We support you to plan to travel more, travel smarter, travel safer, and if you wish, travel as a lifestyle!

Want to know the secrets to traveling cheaper, safer and more often?

Have you heard about people who travel as a lifestyle, without being Millionaires?

Travel freedom is the dream for many, but so few actually do it. Sadly, most put off their adventures until retirement, which delays joy, and is risky, as you may never find “that perfect time” to travel, and sad too, because you may not be well enough, or have the energy to travel when you are retired.

Where should I go? How do I stay safe? What should I bring?

MillionairesofTime.com answers these questions and more, helping you get smart about HOW TO…

  • Get Started
  • Optimize Your Plan
  • Not to waste your time
  • Travel safely

It is our sincere honor to help you experience:

  • the freedom of travel
  • living in the travel moment
  • how traveling slows down time

Learn here how to get started traveling, travel better and even travel full time!